Support Us

You make it happen!

As a not-for-profit organization providing support for under-represented independent artists and companies, our work is only possible because of donors like you. 

Your donation not only allows marginalized, relevant and emerging voices to be seen on our stages, it helps us to offer additional programs to emerging artists free of charge. It also helps us with welcoming all audience members within our walls by offering engaging community programs, keeping our ticket prices accessible, and offering accessibility initiatives that remove barriers for specific communities (d/Deaf, Hard-of-hearing, Blind/Low vision and Neuro-diverse communities) to come enjoy live theatre.


Help us bring a project to fruition.

Every dollar makes a difference!

By donating monthly you allow us to plan ahead with confidence.

Leave a legacy for future generations of artists.

Make a gift in honour of a special occasion or person.

Give a gift of securities and we all benefit.


If you’re already a donor, thank you!  If you’re not, please consider joining our family of supporters and visionaries. It’s with your generous support that our artistic & community programs thrive. 

For more information about giving to TPM, including planned giving and gifts of securities, please contact Faizah Syeda | Fundraising & Development Coordinator by e-mail here.

Theatre Passe Muraille is a registered Canadian Charity #11921 4344 RR 0001

Here are just a few ways your support helps: